Venue Info

60 Acres - Redmond, WA

15200-15299 NE 116th St
Redmond, WA98052

Venue Map URL

60 Acres is located in Redmond, WA., in East King County, roughly 15 miles due East from Seattle. The complex is just North and across the river (East) from the Willows Golf Course and South of 124th Ave NE. Some maps refer to this park as "Sammamish River Regional Park".

Directions from I-405
• Take Exit 20A or 20B
•At end of exit, turn East onto NE 124th St. and travel about 2 miles
•Turn right onto Willows Rd

•Go South for 1/4 mile and turn left onto 116th; the Soccer Park is just across the bridge on your left and right.

•No on-street parking is allowed per
King County and the City of Redmond ordinances